MHSR Carthage (Spring)
April 1 & 2, 2023
Lucky J Steakhouse & Arena, 11664 E Fir Rd, Carthage, MO 64836
Saturday Results

He had a nice run started but he, and I quote “threw a bad loop”.

Kooper and Crayton had an awesome, 8.91 second time. Crayton even caught both heels! But they’d broken the barrier. So with a final time of 18.91 they went from what would have been1st place to 9th and receiving 2 points.
Sunday Results

Crayton placed 7th in Calf Roping on Sunday. He caught fast and his horse worked great, but Crayton had trouble with his kicking calf. But we’ll take the 4 points.
In team roping, Kooper was able to fish on the head loop, but then Crayton came up short on the heels.

Carthage was host to this year’s Cowboy Prom. The kids had fun getting ready, taking pictures, eating out, taking part in the Grand March and attending the dance.
Crayton and Kooper went as friends. Team roping partners by day and Prom dates by night. They both looked amazing.
We took a few photos at Lucky J Arena, then at the Jackson Co Courthouse and on the square downtown and ended with more pictures at the prom location: Venue 105.


This was our second trip to Carthage this 2022-2023 season. We made lots of fun memories, and don’t have bad ones (like last time when we blew out a tire on I-44).
Mom sported her “Take me to the rodeo or lose me forever” t-shirt. Crayton may not think he needs her along, but she’s there for cheering and support (and to take prom photos) whether he likes it or not.

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