SOLD- “Eldorado” 2019 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding-SOLD

At only 3 years old, Eldorado is young, but he is big, shapey, pretty, and broke. We’ve had him since he was a weanling. He’s been used around the ranch- moving cattle, trail riding and even roping some calves in the pasture. He is not afraid of a rope or a hard day’s work. He is started correctly and can go in any direction you’d like.

He is eligible for the Farmers & Ranchers Futurity (Salina, KS) in 2022.

Eldorado is being offered for sale at Lolli Bros. in Macon, MO, Saturday, March 4, 2022. Lot #534.

Bid in person or online bidding is also available through DVauction.

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