Holiday Gift Guide- Creative Ideas for the King of the Ranch
It is often difficult to buy for the man who has it all, but your “King of the Ranch” deserves a few gifts under the tree this year. Look around and see what needs updated. Also take note of what he’s shopping for on the internet, in magazines, or at trade shows. What peak’s his interest? While you brainstorm you can keep in mind the following ideas:
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Canvas Prints
A great way to personalize a gift while documenting great horses and cowboys is with custom canvases. You can turn any photo into canvas and given them as gifts. Create custom art work for any room in your house or even take them to your office.

Front pocket wallet
Training horses and time spent in the saddle can easily result in the loss of a wallet if it hangs out of a back pocket. Save the saddle from scratches and the time spent searching for a lost wallet and opt for a front pocket wallet.
Take inventory and search for ideas from what you find needs replaced. This may include shirts, jeans or the following:
Depending on your family dynamic, you might be the one in control of your husband’s wardrobe (as well as the laundry). Are you finding more an more holes in undergarments? Left with more mismatched socks at the bottom of the laundry basket? Here’s the opportunity for an upgrade. Think he’d look amazing in something or have you been trying to convince him to try something other than white? Now’s your chance. You can wrap it in a fancy box and put it under the tree; one more gift to open on Christmas morning.
Known to many as long underwear, anyone living in cold weather climates will appreciate these. They can be worn as lounge wear and are great for layering. Wear them riding, feeding, hunting or to a football game. Upgrade your man from the old waffle off-white to something sleek and stylish. Not only will he look better, but with the better fit, he’ll be more comfortable, too.
Cowboy Lifestyle and Historical Western Books
There are tons of recommendations in the blog. Casey’s Literary Guide provides a quick run down of the plot with a personal review. Purchase information is also right there with just a click of the mouse. There’s truly something for every reading level and all areas of interest. HERE are the latest book reviews from Schwieter Land and Livestock.

Still struggling with ideas? Think back on the past year… have any large purchases or even smaller ones been made as needed? Often times on a ranch, you can’t wait until Christmas or birthdays to buy something- you need it right then. Or they have the patience of a child and they want it as soon as they see it and can’t wait to have it wrapped. Jot down those things, box and wrap up the note. At least he’ll have a package to open on Christmas morning and it will serve as a reminder of gifts and blessings from the entire year.