Have Mom Will Travel Series Preview
Buying presents for loved ones can be a daunting task. My mom, sister and myself know each other well, but it is still very difficult to find a gift- something they don’t already have, that won’t sit on a shelf or that isn’t part of a wish-list provided to another gift-buying-loved-one. Recently we made the decision to make family girl trips a priority. We stopped stressing over dollar amounts spent, taking inventory with every visit to the other’s home and drilling each other with questions of what they wanted for birthday/Christmas.
Our goal is to spend time together. Priceless- right? We understand that time shouldn’t be taken for granted and we don’t know how long we’ll be able to travel together. Old age, physical mobility, financial stress, now- the Covid-19 pandemic, can all hinder the ability to travel. We don’t plan to let any of this stop us; we will adjust as we go.
We’re the perfect travel companions- just ask us! Who can you be more comfortable around than your own mother? Or your sister? Daughter? We’re family… we’ve shared a special bond for 35-40+ years. We’ll have a good time no matter where we end up.
As we prepare for our first vacation of 2020 together, the excitement is building. Even the trip preparation results in bonding time: Endless texts and phone calls deciding what to pack and going over last minute travel plans. Who’s vehicle are we taking? Who’s bringing cooler? What’s the weather going to be like? How many pairs of shoes are we packing? … the important things! We even made coordinating t-shirts- lame but awesome all at the same time!

Traveling isn’t always easy, but we’re a group of gals who will accept the challenge. Coordinating three separate homes to function without the “lady of house” can be difficult but very possible. We’re warming up our crews (husbands and kids) with closer, shorter trips. We’ll have them all trained before we leave for a month tour of Europe!
Related Posts:
Have Mom Will Travel 2020-Part 1,
Have Mom Will Travel 2020-Part 2,
Have Mom Will Travel 2020-Part 3,
Have Mom Will Travel 2020-Part 4
Hyrbid Road Trips– Join us on another Girl’s Trip from 2018