Traveling… That’s Cowboy (or Cowgirl)
So after I started writing of the “Reading… That’s Cowboy” section of our blog, I became a little jealous. Casey was reliving the old west through great books and I was documenting it. Well now its my turn… I’m not traveling to the 1800’s or laying claims to lands west of the Mississippi, but instead reminiscing about vacations to beaches, mountains and other exotic places with modern amenities.
Years ago, I started creating travel memoirs following each vacation. I wanted to document our trips in an organized fashion, and this was a great solution. Each book is primarily made up of photographs but also has important notes about the beaches, excursions, accommodations, etc.
Escape your day-to-day life by immersing yourself in a Schwieter vacation book- a new one will be featured each month. I’ll provide trip details and vacation tips. You’ll even have booking information and links to visit the same places we’ve traveled.
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Reading… That’s Cowboy