MHSR Palmyra (Spring)
May 6 & 7, 2023
Rockin A Arena, 5303 Hwy C, Palmyra, MO 63461
Saturday Results

Crayton caught quickly in calf roping, but after dealing with a kicking calf and breaking the barrier, his time was only good enough to get him a 9th place finish. But still a couple points- so good, just not great.

In team roping, Kooper caught and Crayton got 1 foot. After adding the breaking the barrier penalty and the 1 foot catch, they still finished in 6th. They’d have liked to get a check, but will have to settle for points.
Sunday Results
Crayton placed 6th in Calf Roping on Sunday. He had a good, clean run, but wasn’t as fast as the 5 others.

No luck in team roping, as Kooper missed on the head side.

Garrett was able to come along and cheer on his brother on Sunday. He’s scouting for next year as he anticipates starting his Missouri High School Rodeo career in the fall.
We missed Crayton’s friend, Cash, at this rodeo. His grandfather died unexpectantly a few days before the rodeo. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
This was the last regular season rodeo for 2022-2023. The state finals are in Carthage in June.
Like in the fall, this arena doesn’t offer stalls or RV hookups. We are nearby so we commute back and forth- sleeping in our own beds with the horse in his normal pasture for the night.

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