Have Mom Will Travel 2020- Part 4
Little Rock, AR-Home
Part of a road trip is seeing a few tourist sites. As we mapped our route north toward home, we searched for things to do and places to see. Natural and man-made beauty should be appreciated, so we set off to experience it.
While in Little Rock, we visited The Old Mill. It is a unique area, right in the middle of town. It is famous for making an appearance in the movie “Gone with the Wind” and is a popular location for photographers. A portion of the park was under construction so the water flow was diminished. The area was pretty, but could have been even better if the water levels had been higher. We still used the opportunity to snap some pictures and enjoy the weather.
As we headed north, crossing back into Missouri, our route led us to the Johnson Shut-ins. We’d heard of them and had known people who’d visited, but we still didn’t know what to expect. We took the nice, paved trail toward the water’s edge. We hadn’t planned to stay- just take a quick tour. Good thing too, because once we got about a mile down the trail, overlooking the shut-ins, it started raining. At least it was a “warm rain” but we got soaked. We looked like we’d splashed and waded in the river. It was still worth the stop. We’re making plans to revisit with our families and spend more time there.
As the rain lightened, we drove about 20 minutes to Elephant Rocks. There was also a nice walking path here. It was a nice place to stretch and walk off some of the fast food we’d eaten for lunch. We took a few pictures and read the signs educating us on the area. It’s crazy to realize how diverse Missouri is. So many different rock formations in relatively close proximity.
As we drove from Arkansas, crossed into Missouri and continued on to Northeast Missouri and our homes, we already started making plans for our next vacation!
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