Missouri High School Rodeo 2022-2023 Year in Review
As the season was coming to a close, we headed to Carthage (again) for the Missouri High School State Finals, June 8-11.
The 4 days were filled with 3 rodeo performances, ceremonies, special events and so much more.
Calf Roping
No time in the 1st round. 9th in 2nd round. 5th in the short go. 10th in the Average.
The very best part was that his last run of the year was a catch and a PR of 11.56. Sure it only landed him a 5th place check, as everyone was pulling out all the stops in the finals, but it was rewarding to end the season knowing you’d improved. At the first couple rodeos of the season, Crayton wasn’t even using his own horse, and was still trying to figure everything out. He and Parker have come a long way and the future looks very bright.
Crayton finished in 11th place for the season in tie down calf roping.
Team Roping
In team roping, Crayton and Kooper just couldn’t get everything to work at once. They were able to pull a check for their 5th place in 1st round. They walked away from the season still great friends, and both better ropers than where they’d started.
Other Highlights
During the Grand Entry, you can see how much Crayton really loves doing this! His horse, Parker, doesn’t mind being on the road either.

Some of Crayton’s biggest wins during the finals weekend were from roping… roping the dummy. Placing first and second in the dummy roping tournament Friday landed him some spending money and a new rope. Then at the Wrangler sponsored dummy roping, he finished in third and got a new cup and hat.

State finals back number and posing for a few photos. Garrett even jumped into the group picture with his swimming pool crew. Being in Carthage for the extra days gave everyone more time to hang out and find fun things to do.

We had some special visitors for the long weekend. Not only did Casey and Garrett come for a couple days, but Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob were there for all of the festivities. We found some time to do some sight seeing and even eat ice cream between rodeos.

2022-2023 Memories
The rodeo season was spent in our Eby trailer. (After the first three rodeos were spent in hotels or make shift accommodations) It served its purpose well, but was a little small for the whole family. We made lots of memories hanging out, mostly outside, in this trailer. We took turns sleeping on the cot in the back or staying on “our own section” of the bed in the nose.

This high school group in 2023 was pretty awesome. We’ll miss the graduates, but we’re already looking forward to next year.

This season was made possible by some wonderful sponsors:

For details, results and photos from each of the season’s rodeos- CLICK HERE.
To follow both, Crayton and Garrett, as they compete in MHSR in the 2023-2024 season, Check out the new blog posts HERE.