Team Penning- Sorting, working and penning cattle on horseback in a timed event setting
Team penning is a horse event held at the Shelby County Saddle Club in Shelbyville, Missouri the second and forth Saturdays, May-September.
Team sorting or team penning is popular across the United States with varying rules, but all based on the same concept.
At this saddle club the event is held as follows: three horse and riders enter the arena, wait for a number to be called, then sort out 3 tagged calves in consecutive order, take them across the line without trash (extra calves) and pen them at the other end of the arena- all why the clock is running.

In the summer of 2021 we rode and won money on 7 different Schwieter Land & Livestock horses: Maverick, Commodore, Del, Cutter, Parker, Swan and Tibbett. I think it is pretty amazing to have this many broke geldings- capable of heading to town and actually getting the job done.
With anywhere from 30-120 teams at each sort and pen, the competition varied from week to week.
The highlight of our season at the Shelby County Saddle Club in Shelbyville, Missouri was winning the buckle sort/penning.
We may not be the best sorters, ride the most expensive horses, or have the best luck, but we did on that night.
Check out our highlight video from the season. Watch our winning run and many other rides demonstrating our horse power and sorting/penning fun!
Overall, I think we lost money as a family. Entry fees are reasonable, but take that times 4 and you need to win quite a bit just to break even.
We all ended up winners though. Our horses were exposed to many new things. We improved our riding ability and our relationships with our horses.

Lots of time and effort is put in by the Saddle Club members at each penning. Cattle need tagged before it starts and de-tagged when it is over. The arena needs worked and watered down. Entries, bookwork and announcing are reoccurring tasks also.
We are happy to have a club like this so close to home. It is wonderful for horses and riders, alike.
If you’re ever in the area, be sure to stop in. Bring your horse and join the fun, or come watch and eat at the delicious concession stand.
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More information on the team penning horses: Maverick, Commodore, Del, Cutter, Parker, Swan and Tibbett.
These horses don’t just sort in an arena. They can do it in the Nebraska Sandhills too: Read more here!
I am scared of horse riding but i love to watch horse racing games. By the way team penning seems such a good fun game for you and your horse.
We really like team penning. It is exciting and competitive. It is a wonderful way to get a horse exposed to more things. We have a good group of people too, so we have fun.
Great post!