Missouri High School Rodeo 2023-2024 Season: NEMO Fairgrounds- Kirksville
We made the hour drive to Kirksville for the first Missouri High School Rodeo of the 2023-2024 season. Crayton had his last- first High School Rodeo and Garrett had his first- first High School Rodeo.
It was nice to start out close to home, allowing for more family and friends to come support the boys.
The weather started out extremely hot on Friday and the extra area events: Walkin’ H Team Roping and fundraising Barrel Race- were cancelled. Luckily when the rain blew in late Friday night, it brought cooler weather.
Day 1- Saturday Performance
It rained early Saturday morning and continued to drizzle and sprinkle during the beginning portions of the rodeo. The rain stopped in time for calf roping, but the arena was very wet and muddy.

Crayton was the 2nd one out in calf roping. His calf took a nose dive a few steps out of the chute, but after it recovered Crayton was able to rope it and go to work. He finished in 6th place, just out of the money, with a time of 18.8 and earned 5 points.

The arena was still muddy for team roping but that didn’t stop this newly formed team of Chloe White (heading) and Crayton (heeling). The calves were slower because of the deep mud, but it also made heeling a challenge. Amongst some tough competition and some fast times, they finished ninth with a time of 13.58 (8.58 + 5) and earned 2 points.
Day 2- Sunday Performance

Crayton and his horse Parker picked up where they left off on Saturday and worked better and faster on Sunday. Despite the calf taking a hard left turn out of the chute, their time of 13.41 was good enough for a second place check and 9 points.

After some bad luck on the head side on Saturday, this Freshmen team of Josey Schaller and Garrett, was up for the challenge on Sunday. The arena conditions still weren’t perfect, with muddy spots and ridges but they still were able to catch in 9.64 (only 1 hind foot though), so with the total time of 14.64, they placed 7th, earning 4 points.
Garrett’s horse, Hank, did great both days. He was calm in the box and got him in position each time, despite the conditions. He might not have won any money team roping yet, but the future looks bright for this little heel horse and his rider.
Rodeo Memories

The new horse trailer with larger living quarters made cooking and eating easier and more enjoyable. Also having Garrett along made a big difference. He fixed steak fajitas and sausage, egg and cheese bagels.

The boys and their rodeo buddies warmed up in the light rain and mud on Saturday morning. Sunday was beautiful and we were able to get a quick photo of the new team roping team- Garrett and Josey. We were even able to take a family picture after a rainy day at the rodeo. We may look dirty and rained-on, but it was awesome to all be together.

The weekend wasn’t without a challenge. Sunday morning we realized we had a low tire… really low. After taking off the flat and putting on the spare, it wasn’t hard to find what caused the problem and why it wouldn’t hold air.
Current Standings
After two days of rodeos in the books, Crayton is in 2nd place in calf roping. He and Chloe are in about 13th place in team roping. Josey and Garrett are in 11th (It gets a little confusing with some kids having draw partners).


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Missouri High School Rodeo 2022-2023 Season Recap
Crayton’s Rodeo Horse- “Parker”
Garrett’s Rodeo Horse- “Hank”