MHSR Palmyra


October 29-30


Rockin A Arena, 5303 Hwy C, Palmyra, MO 63461

Crayton carried a flag in the Grand Entry at both performances.


With near-home field advantage (Rockin’ A Arena is only 35 minutes from home) we were glad to see Crayton excel a this rodeo. He had many spectators there, plus the usual pressure from the crowd and peers. It didn’t seem to phase him a bit, must have even helped.

Crayton placed in both events, both days. A first!

He won money in calf roping, placing 3rd on Saturday and 4th on Sunday. In team roping, he and Kooper earned a few more points- 2 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday.

Saturday Results
Sunday Results

At the end of the fall session of the 2022-2023 season, Crayton is in the middle of the pack of point-earners.

Crayton and Kooper are 39th and 40th in the team roping with 5 points each.


It was nice having this rodeo so close to home. We were all at home sleeping in our own beds/pen each night. It was also wonderful having some family, friends and sponsors attend the rodeo.

No Stalls or Camper/RV Hookups available. Bathrooms on location

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