How to treat a sick calf without stressing the calf, the cow, or the rancher
Not many words are needed to describe today’s events. This isn’t really a blog (not much writing) and it’s not a a vlog (no video). More of a “Plog” (photos- yes)
Long story short-A calf was sick and we treated it- “everyday kinda ranch stuff”. No vet, no truck, no trailer, no 4 wheeler or Ranger, no cattle drive to the barn- at Schwieter Land and Livestock we’re pretty self-sufficient and try to keep things simple (like this post).
I was just telling the ladies at the vet office the other day, after the reluctant vet had been out to our place to draw blood on a set of horses:
“We’d coggins test our own horses if we could”

We hate to complain that the cows and heifers are giving so much milk right now and the calves can barely handle it. Hopefully soon I’ll have an update to this post showing a healthy, strong, bouncing calf.